Join the mission of Yellow Agro , worldwide or mondial.
You wish to support ? Foundation Yellow Agro
Go to the website and follow the instructions.
By means of this website you are cordially invited to support the Yellow Agro Foundation mondial projects. Stewardship of the flat earth is our objective. Foundation donations can be received with permission of the Dutch IMI ANBI/charitable status article 6.33 of the Dutch income tax department.
When making donations, you agree with the terms and conditions, including article 8 of non chargeback of any donations. Foundation Yellow Agro is not responsibility for the origin and amounts we receive. By making donations you agreed to have understood the terms and conditions by Yellow Agro. Thanks for the gifts and donations.
Stichting/Foundation Yellow Agro account : NL88 ABNA 0248531794
Voor vragen:
Donations may not exceed the amount of 2.000 euros per donation.